
Monday, September 1, 2008

Video Tutorials on HOW TOs with

How Tos are the most common questions people ask when they have to start something new.
There is a WikiHow that gives you textual answers for all of your "How To"s but here is a new startup that gives you your "How TO" answer visually. When I said visually, ofcourse it means video. Your "How To" videos. The site is called
The site got millions of hits within few weeks of its launch. Probably because it has ex-googler's name associated with it. There is already a similar site called where you get tutorials for everything. The site basically is an aggregator for the tutorials. People can submit tutorials, recommened tutorials or browse through the available tutorials.

Howcast is also a similar site but with the video tutorials instead of just text/image tutorials. Once you signup, you can browse the How to videos, suggest a topic for the how to video or can upload your own expert "How To" video.

I found HowCast pretty useful.So u guys give a try .. It s worth giving .. !!


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