
Monday, September 15, 2008

Calvin & Hobbes!

I'm a die-hard fan of calvin and i've done almost all the C&H strips.I jus laid my hands on wat 'Bill Watterson'

has to say on his work.Enjoy reading!

CALVIN: Calvin is named for a sixteenth-century theologian who believed in predestination. Most people assume that Calvin is based on a son of mine, or based on detailed memories of my own childhood. In fact, I don't have children, and I was a fairly quiet, obedient kid – almost Calvin's opposite. One of the reasons that Calvin's character is fun to write is that I often don't agree with him.

Many of Calvin's struggles are metaphors for my own. I suspect that most of us get old without growing up, and that inside every adult (sometimes not very far inside) is a bratty kid who wants everything his own way. I use Calvin as an outlet for my immaturity, as a way to keep myself curious about the natural world, as a way to ridicule my own obsessions, and as a way to comment on human nature. I wouldn't want Calvin in my house, but on paper, he helps me sort through my life and understand it.

HOBBES: Named after a seventeenth-century philosopher with a dim view of human nature, Hobbes has the patient dignity and common sense of most animals I've met. Hobbes was very much inspired by one of our cats, a gray tabby named Sprite. Sprite not only provided the long body and facial characteristics for Hobbes, she also was the model for his personality. She was good-natured, intelligent, friendly, and enthusiastic in a sneaking-up-and-pouncing sort of way. Sprite suggested the idea of Hobbes greeting Calvin at the door in midair at high velocity.

The so-called "gimmick" of my strip -- the two versions of Hobbes -- is sometimes misunderstood. I don't think of Hobbes as a doll that miraculously comes to life when Calvin's around. Neither do I think of Hobbes as the product of Calvin's imagination.

Calvin sees Hobbes one way, and everyone else sees Hobbes another way. I show two versions of reality, and each makes complete sense to the participant who sees it. I think that's how life works. None of us sees the world exactly the same way, and I just draw that literally in the strip.

CALVIN’S PARENTS: I've never given Calvin's parents names, because as far as the strip is concerned, they are important only as Calvin's mom and dad. Calvin's dad has been rumored to be a self-portrait. All my characters are half me, so it's true in some ways, but Calvin's dad is also partly a satire of my own father. Any strip about how suffering "builds character" is usually a verbatim transcript of my dad's explanations for why we were all freezing, exhausted, hungry, and lost on camping trips. These things are a lot funnier after twenty-five years have passed.

Calvin's mom is the daily disciplinarian, a job that taxes her sanity, so I think we get to see her at her best. I regret that the strip mostly shows her impatient side, but I try to hint at other aspects of her personality and her interests by what she's doing when Calvin barges in.

As secondary characters, I've tried to keep Calvin's parents realistic, with a reasonable sense of humor about having a kid like Calvin. I think they do a better job than I would.

SUSIE DERKINS: Susie is earnest, serious and smart. I suspect that Calvin has a mild crush on her that he expresses by trying to annoy her, but Susie is a bit unnerved and put off by Calvin's weirdness. This encourages Calvin to be even weirder, so it's a good dynamic. Neither of them quite understands what's going on, which is probably true of most relationships.

MISS WORMWOOD: As a few readers guessed, Miss Wormwood is named after the apprentice devil in C. S. Lewis's The Screwtape Letters. I have a lot of sympathy for Miss Wormwood. We see hints that she's waiting to retire, that she smokes too much, and that she takes a lot of medication. I think she seriously believes in the value of education, so needless to say, she's an unhappy person.

ROSALYN: Probably the only person Calvin fears is his baby-sitter. I put her in a Sunday strip early on, never thinking of her as a regular character, but her intimidation of Calvin surprised me, so she's made a few appearances since. Rosalyn even seems to daunt Calvin's parents, using their desperation to get out of the house to demand advances and raises.

Rosalyn's relationship with Calvin is pretty one-dimensional, so baby-sitter stories get harder and harder to write, but for a later addition to the strip, she's worked pretty well.

MOE: Moe is every jerk I've ever known. He's big, dumb, ugly, and cruel. I remember school being full of idiots like Moe. I think they spawn on damp locker room floors.

And here's a link to yearwise C&H strips Download C&H strips now!

Friday, September 5, 2008

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Bollywood celebrities blog - 2

Here are few more Bollywood celebrities blog that i later found out after my first post list of bollywood celebrities blogs..

Karan Johar

ShahRukh Khan

Shekhar Kapur

Ram Gopal Varma

As i said in my previous post(list of bollywood celebrities blogs dated June 18, 2008)

These are believed to be their own writings.However i dont know how much authentic they are.I jus collected from internet .

If any of u know some other celebrities' blog please post them as a comment .

Thursday, September 4, 2008

STICKCRICKET - awesome game ..

ppl .. this s an awesome online game ..

addicting ..

i m not going to write anything about this game ...
u ppl r going to .. !!


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Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Remote logout feature in gmail

Google has introduced a new security feature for gmail, remote logout. Many of use different computers to login into gmail. For example, home , office , sometimes from friends place. At times we leave the browser opened dont logout of gmail properly , if the computer is at office or any public place your account might be mis-used. Now sitting at home computer you can logout of gmail in office computer or any other computer.

Footer in gmail contains your session details like when you last logged in & from which IP.

You can click on “Details” link which shows you a pop-up having details about your last sessions.

Check for all the sessions, see all are yours or somebody else is logging into your account! Click on “Sign out all other sessions” to sign out of gmail at all other places exept the current.

DNS checker

Recently, a significant threat to DNS, the system that translates names you can remember (such as to numbers the Internet can route ( was discovered, that would allow malicious people to impersonate almost any website on the Internet. Software companies across the industry have quietly collaborated to simultaneously release fixes for all affected name servers. To find out if the DNS server you use is vulnerable,
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credits:: doxpara

Monday, September 1, 2008

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The site got millions of hits within few weeks of its launch. Probably because it has ex-googler's name associated with it. There is already a similar site called where you get tutorials for everything. The site basically is an aggregator for the tutorials. People can submit tutorials, recommened tutorials or browse through the available tutorials.

Howcast is also a similar site but with the video tutorials instead of just text/image tutorials. Once you signup, you can browse the How to videos, suggest a topic for the how to video or can upload your own expert "How To" video.

I found HowCast pretty useful.So u guys give a try .. It s worth giving .. !!