
Saturday, July 14, 2007

Microsoft to slash XBOX 360 prices ??

A good source within a major Canadian retailer guarantees that the Xbox 360 will drop $100 across all SKU's. When?.. Perhaps ... Sooner than you think.!!!! AUGUST 1ST.

In less than 3 weeks the console prices will be the following:

-Xbox 360 core, $199 American (with pack-in memory unit!)
-Nintendo Wii, $249 American
-Xbox 360 Premium, $299 American
-Xbox 360 Elite, $449 Canadian, possibly $399 American
-PS3, $599 American, $649 Canadian

So August 1st, Xbox 360 will be the lowest price console on the market with the core system.

Source :Zero Iscariot (Destructoid)

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